Telephone answering at MBE Birmingham

Never miss another call

Our telephone answering service will handle your calls when you can’t. A professional voice on the end of the phone – someone who knows your business and understands the importance of every call you receive. Don’t put your business on hold just because you can’t make it to the phone. With telephone answering services from Mail Boxes Etc. Birmingham you need never miss another call.

Our telephone answering solution provides your business with your own personalised receptionists on a local area number. Our trained receptionists will handle your calls as if they were based in your office, using the script that you provide.

Telephone answering services provided at Mail Boxes Etc. Birmingham

Premium live - £47.94 + VAT per month: includes 20 calls per month, with live answering Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm. Outside of these hours, calls can either be automatically diverted to a personalised answerphone or to a mobile/landline number.  Ongoing agreement subject to 30-day notice and a minimum term of 3 months.

Additional calls are charged at the following rates;

  • 21 to 50 calls £1.50 per call
  • 50 to 100 calls £1.20 per call
  • 101 calls to 200 calls £1.10 per call

*All prices are subject to VAT.

Your receptionist will transfer calls to a landline or mobile phone, or simply take a message which they will pass on to you via email, SMS or a by spreadsheet.

Why choose telephone answering at Mail Boxes Etc. Birmingham?

  • No more missed calls
  • Ensure your customers can contact you whenever they need to
  • Project a professional business image at all times
  • Benefit from the assistance of a full-time receptionist without the overhead
  • Concentrate your time where it’s needed most – on developing your business
  • Filter nuisance calls (this service is included free of charge and does not use up your call allocation)

What our customers are saying about us
"“Mail Boxes Etc. telephone answering has been a godsend to my business and has given my businesses the ability to operate 24/7.”

- Sebastian Walker, Bristol

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