Planning application maps and much more at MBE London - Westminster

As an official Ordnance Survey retail outlet partner, Mail Boxes Etc. London - Westminster offers the full range of Ordnance Survey planning maps. Most popular are our A4 location plans (typically 1:1,250 or 1:2,500 scale) and A4 1:500 scale site plans.

Applying for planning permission can be a complicated business. Detailed, accurate and up-to-date maps are an essential requirement for any planning application. Our Ordnance Survey maps are custom-made for you, using the very latest digital Ordnance Survey data. At Mail Boxes Etc. London - Westminster we provide six copies of each paper map, five for the application and one for your records.

We can also supply other Ordnance Survey mapping products, from walkers’ maps to historic maps.

As your local Ordnance Survey Mapping and Data Centre, our trained staff will ensure that you have the right map for your specific requirements. We can print the popular Ordnance Survey Location and Site plans same day, in-store, while you wait, or deliver to a UK mainland address on a next day guaranteed service.

Ordnance Survey Map
What our customers are saying about us

“I needed a map for my planning application - you came up trumps - Thank you!”

David Connell, London

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